ŠD Mladá Garda


ŠD Mladá Garda, Račianska 103, 831 02 Bratislava 3

Phone - reception

+421 918 664 020

Distance from city centre

4,5 km, by public transport – 26 min

Public transport

Public transport schedule available at imhd.sk
Destination: Mladá Garda

The nature of the accommodation

cellular system (1 and 2 bed room), bathrooms are part of the cell

Number of beds

student accommodation capacity 1405,  employee accommodation capacity 14, guest rooms capacity 10

Services and amenities



Ing. Peter Velčický

operations director

Martina Kormanová

head of operations department

Daria Vrecníková

student accommodation

Mgr. Alena Culinková

accommodation of students, doctoral students

Bc. Lucia Lassuová

accommodation of foreign students, employees and guests

Summer accommodation

(tourist hostel in months July - August)