ŠD Jura Hronca
Bernolákova 1, 811 07 Bratislava 1
Phone - reception
Public transport
Public transport schedule available at imhd.sk
Destination: Krížna or Blumentál or Vazovova or Račianske mýto (destinantion depend on the type of public transport)
Distance from city centre
1,7 km, by public transport – 15 min

The nature of the accommodation
2-bed rooms with private bathroom facilities
Number of beds
student accommodation capacity 914, employee accommodation capacity 14, guest rooms capacity 36
Services and amenities
- Wifi
- Laundry room
- Canteen
- Parking
- 24h reception
- Public transport close-by
- Kitchenetts
- Shared community spaces
- Gym and Fitness