ŠD Jura Hronca – price lists
Price list of accommodation fees for students valid from 1.2.2025
Price list of accommodation fees for employees STU
Price list of accommodation fees for guests STU valid from 1.1.2025
Price list of accommodation fees for turists in a student room alebo in a hotel room platný od 1.1.2025
Price list of gym of the SD Jura Hronca valid from 15.1.2025
Price list of social room of the Jura Hronca – Strangers and Students organizations of STU valid from 15.1.2025
Price list of social room of the Jura Hronca – Parts of the STU
Price list of accommodation of participants in student exchanges
Price list of accommodation for representatives STU valid from 24.2.2025
Price list of accommodation of foreign persons who hace concluded a cooperation agreement with STU valid from 1.1.2025